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Saturday, February 10, 2007

  1. Chinese New Year's approaching
  2. The folks will be here in a week's time
  3. Mom's Indon has arrived
  4. I've been working insane hours
  5. My knee's still crappy from my soccer injury since NY Eve
  6. Batbabe was attacked by a snatch thief
  7. I went for my first game of laser wars at Crown yesterday night - I was bad
  8. I also got hit by the laser gun right on the lips and tooth - the lips swell for a couple of hours although not visible from the outside
  9. I've got a mental block
  10. I'm tired and sleepy ATM
  11. St Kilda festival ends tomorrow
  12. I will be a qualified Senior First Aid Officer after my 2-day course on 15-16th of March


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